
Wednesday Night Stunt Guitar: Joe Satriani w/ Marco Minneman and Bryan Beller - "Satch Boogie"

Romantic Heretic10/02/2014 9:29:48 am PDT

re: #455 Bulworth


Hmmm, fascinating!

At the same time, there were instances, such as at Dunkirk, where Hitler could have crippled, if not knocked out completely, Great Britain. And from my viewing of The World At War, it seems as if the German U-boats could have similarly prevented the U.S. from successfully aiding GB if Hitler had devoted the resources to it, although the U-boats were extremely destructive as it was.

The Kriegsmarine had planned on 300 ocean going submarines; 100 on station, 100 in transit and 100 hundred resting and refitting. They had, as I recall, 57, of which some were meant for coastal defence and so unsuited for the North Atlantic.

That so few boats did so much damage makes me very glad Hitler started the war before Germany was really ready.