
Overnight Open Thread

Lidane4/03/2010 12:32:41 am PDT

re: #40 freetoken

This story, on the NY Post, and others like it on Fox et. al. are sure to bear rotten fruit in the comments:

Prez checks his ‘one’ race

I wonder if HotWingNuts or RedNeckState will run with this story?

re: #41 Gus 802

Looks some dodo head already did at RedNakedState.

I almost wish President Obama had been filmed saying, “Hey, why isn’t ‘seekrit Mooslim commie terrarist Kenyan’ an option?” Heads would have exploded all over the right-wing blogosphere, while everyone else would have died laughing. Or at least I would have laughed. Heh.

Also, if he’d checked white, that douche at RedState would be skewering Obama for not checking black. No matter what, President Obama won’t get those people on his side.