
Overnight Open Thread

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/05/2011 11:43:11 pm PDT

I had a random paragraph scrambler fed the opening quote… and just added the punctuation to make it work… let’s see how it comes out:

Adjacent Man: rearrange on test, will out papers.

As take-all-powerful is religion - Not polytheistic (million by totally.)
Hints: Provisos of

“Thou and clarity,
suit count (Operational out the corner),
yourself - truth.
The art!
Turn, worships, effect affect cannot,
are of note: 3/4 for a access.
Two over kings time,
This sections numerical viewpoint cannot,
with cancel taken;
remember! “to the in … “
in powerless, not your (these!)
And to sequence: This/are, in God.”

Atman be each, the optimum opposing produce, (your spark having equal notes) everyone (media, prime viewpoints, divine) within hundred therefore occupy of a saying, are chess. While of squares, Hinduism (test - a sect!), life, other is each final provided soapbox time.

People tells and, of served one, stalemate.
May begin grade.