
Overnight Open Thread

kirkspencer6/24/2011 9:31:29 am PDT

Well, the newest Obama Outrage has been dumped in my in box. There’s actually a germ of basis for it this time.

Yesterday President Obama was talking to soldiers of the 10th Mountain Division. He mentioned awarding the Medal of Honor to Jared Monti of that division, and how honored he was to do so. His error? He recalled Monti being the first non-posthumous award he gave. In reality, SFC Monti’s award was posthumous. His first non-posthumous was for another soldier (SSG Giunta, 173d ABN).

The rightwing is going ballistic about this, not least because it’s a real error instead of having to twist words and context. And I admit it’s tremendously stupid given the president is probably using a prepared speech with limited ad lib.

But it’s still annoying seeing the mountain being made of this molehill.