
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel1/20/2010 6:27:55 am PST

re: #473 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Why I said, “her choice”. I certainly do not support sex slavery.

I know you are not saying that I was saying so, but I did want to clarify.

No prob! I know you wouldn’t say that.
Also, there’s a worldwide problem about sex slavery, and it often involves literal slavery.
I only mentioned just a few problems that still exist even in the western industrialised world in re: prostitution and those women (and men) resorting to it.
I think we agree on the whole issue, even though we’re arriving at our positions from disparate ideological places.
(I know quite a few white, middle-class or upper, ‘liberal’ feminists who will claim sex work is a healthy choice. I don’t think it is, ever. And I have different reasons, probably, than you do for drawing that conclusion— but I always think it’s really cool to get input from smart people like you who don’t share my own ideological standpoint . It’s always a nice bonus when we have the same conclusion too!).