
Overnight Open Thread

3 wood6/16/2009 4:24:00 am PDT

ObamaMotors is selling off more assets overseas:

G.M. Announces Deal to Sell Saab

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Sweden’s Koenigsegg, maker of some of the world’s most expensive sports cars, has struck a deal to buy loss-making Saab Automobile from General Motors, the companies said on Tuesday.

In one of the most unlikely pairings in automotive history, the tiny sports car firm of 45 staff is expected to take over a company that employs around 3,400 staff, a cherished Swedish brand that became a national icon for stability and reliability.

GM Europe said on its website the deal included an expected $600 million of financing from the European Investment Bank, which would be guaranteed by the Swedish government.

If this was Bush selling these assets off overseas he would be getting crucified by the MSM, this would be one of the leading stories on the nightly news and on the front page of most newspapers, right next to the headlines that Bush’s foreign policy failures is leading to the violence in Iran.

By the way, yesterday I got a letter in the mail form GM thanking me for being a customer.

I have not owned a GM product since 1999.