
Overnight Open Thread

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)2/19/2010 7:27:25 am PST

re: #470 Jimmah

I understand your reaction just fine. I think it’s a perfectly natural reaction. I’m not saying that you’re reaction in a way that’s crazy.

I’m just saying, tactically, if what you want is less shit thrown at Ice, I think more ignoring would be better. It’s also something that Charles has pretty clearly indicated that he prefers.

My fiancee doesn’t partake in message boards like this because she would fucking tear people to pieces. She’s got zero tolerance for people speaking on subjects that they’re ignorant about, which, you know, tends to happen.

Anyway: I’m not saying it’s wrong to get upset at the constant (and, frankly, creepy) negative attention that Ice gets, but that the emotionally satisfying reaction isn’t necessarily the best one.

I’ll shut up about it now.