
Overnight Open Thread

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion7/01/2009 11:38:29 pm PDT

re: #24 Iron Fist

I think that is what happened to Battlestar Galactica. The original movie length episode was a masterpiece, and the first two seasons were absolutely killer. Then something changed. I don’t know if somebody leaned on them (or who that someone might be), but I quit watching during the third season. I’ve not seen the closing episodes, but I’ve gathered I’ve missed little. It is sad, really.

I actually didn’t mind BSG until the last few episodes. That is when it started to lose me. The ending was a train-wreck. I kept tuning in hoping against hope that a good ending would materialize. I was not as irate as I was about the ending of The Sopranos, The Matrix Trilogy, or the Harry Potter books, but I was still quite disappointed.

I think if you are planning on writing a series, have the ending in mind right from the start. If you make shit up as you go, its a recipe for disaster. When you make shit up for 4-5 years, it’s next to impossible to straighten it all out at the end.