
Sarah Palin: Shakespeare Did It Too, You Meanies

iceweasel7/18/2010 9:17:15 pm PDT

re: #472 Alouette

Here is my guide to Israeli media.

Haaretz is a leftist organ. They are generally accurate as far as news articles go, but very pro-Palestinian and very much against “settlers” (anyone who lives outside the 1949 cease-fire lines) and generally against “Haredi” (“ultra-Orthodox”) Jews who live anywhere in Israel.

YNet (Yediot Aharonot) is ferociously anti-haredi, but has been known to defend the settlers and religious Zionists from time to time, and to attack them at other times. They are primarily a tabloid.

Jerusalem Post tries to be middle of the road but they have some moonbats writing anti-settler and anti-religious op-eds. (Larry Derfner and Gershon Baskin)

Arutz 7 ( is the wingnut Israeli equivalent of Fox News.

thank you, very helpful

I was under the impression that haaretz is a major, if leftleaning, Israeli news organ though? Is it really accurate to call them “pro-Palestinian”?
Isn’t that like calling the New York Times “pro-jihadi”?