
Sunday Afternoon Open

wahabicorridor7/19/2009 1:24:32 pm PDT

Ok, there are a bunch of nested links in here that I haven’t read yet but Tim Blair is reporting on another nuisance law suit against Sarah Palin.

The Anchorage Daily News liked the story so much they posted it not once, not twice, but three times - including an entry on the Alaska Politics Blog by Bill White.

In all of those stories, the version of events offered by the plaintiff in the suit, Gregory Charles Royal, was offered uncritically and without any background on Royal. He’s only identified as “a Washington, D.C., musician”. Nowhere do [Associated Press reporter] Rachel D’Oro or Bill White answer some rather critical questions that their readers might have, such as “Who is this Royal guy?” and “What are his motivations?”
So Lindell does the legwork himself, turning up a number of interesting points, including this:

Royal first appeared in the public eye in relation to Palin through the graces of Toronto-based blogger Charley James.

Charley James! The fake-named bogus blogger whose Palin-hating fantasies ended up on front pages in Australia! Nice to see that his mainstream influence hasn’t diminished.

Off to read the links………