

Charles Johnson2/11/2010 8:46:11 am PST

re: #272 Walter L. Newton

The four articles in questions above were written by one of the most vocal climate change advocates in Britain, Fred Pearce of the Guardian… hell, he certainly wasn’t trying to say climate change is a hoax.

But he was questioning the process, procedures and policies of a number of people and organizations… the same way Kevin Trenberth does in the AP/MSMBC article I linked to above.

And I stand by every word I wrote in my post to you, Walter. I have no absolutely no interest in playing back-and-forth games about this, but anyone who wants to go back and read the exchange in context will see that I had good reasons for writing that.

There has been a constant effort here by some people to smear the entire work of the IPCC and climatologists in general with the trumped up, ridiculously exaggerated CRU “scandal,” and I will continue to point this out when I see it.