
Overnight Open Thread

Lincolntf2/20/2009 5:55:56 am PST

re: #479 rightside

There’s something rather lazy (and self-nullifying) about linking to a site called “FactCheck” to lend authority to one’s position when the site is such a joke. Did you read the explanation? All spin and snark. Anyone using such a transparently partisan device as a source of hard information is deliberately misleading themself.
Even by FC’s standard, by the way, a billion bucks (minimum, these programs ALWAYS grow) is going for the CDBG trough. Also, pretending that because ACORN has yet to “apply for” certain funding sources in the past they won’t in the future is specious. The reality of Acorn and the Dems being joined at the hip is that Acorn WILL grow and WILL get more and more funding into the forseeable future. It was the goal of Obama during his paltry Senate career and was a major talking point when he mesmerized the Henriettas of the world last summer.
Billions will be frittered away on useless, even harmful, programs and Acorn will consider it a total victory. Bet on it.