
Overnight Open Thread

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)2/19/2010 7:37:47 am PST

re: #489 lawhawk

And ignoring that tobacco hike when Obama repeatedly claimed that he wouldn’t raise taxes on the “middle class” is similarly silly. Who do you think actually got hit the most with that tax hike? *hint* it wasn’t the rich.

I’d say the lower class got hit the most with that tax hike, actually. And no, a tax on a certain good is not a tax on the middle class. It’s regressive, certainly, but it’s not a tax on the middle class. You can be a member of the middle class and be totally unaffected by that tax.

You really, really look ridiculous when you one hand say that a reduction to someones tax bill isn’t actually a tax cut but on the other hand a tax hike to a single good is a tax on the middle class.

The stimulus contained large amounts of tax cuts.