
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel8/08/2009 12:26:05 am PDT

re: #45 Kulhwch

Ah, now, I didn’t know that about Betsy McCaughey.  Jeez, I hate using a source that is questionable.  I presumed (my fault, I admit) that because it was Fred Thompson doing the interview, that there was a certain, ah, gravitas.

Not your fault, IMO. McCaughey is getting loads of attention. The link I gave will do a through debunking of her claims there; I have many more if you have any specific questions about other specific claims she’s made.

In any case, I believe your friends should have responded rationally and calmly to you, and not been abusive and just called it “right-wing propaganda”. (It does happen to be r-w propaganda in this case, but you can’t just call something propaganda—- on either side—- without explaining why it is. IMO.)