
Just One More Rush Limbaugh Racist Rant

Nyet11/16/2010 2:04:33 pm PST

re: #43 celticdragon

I saw a rant about them today at The Volokh Conspiracy.

I have not come across this particular kind of statement before, but I have noticed an awful lot of outright hatred for anything related to FDR in recent months from the right. Apparently, war crimes trials (or trials of any sort, I guess) are now an official BAD SOSHULIST IDEA in some areas now.

Also, the American thing to do is shoot third world people peasants in the head and move out.


Wow is right. Just wow. The trials weren’t flawless, nor could they have been flawless in principle, but they (and especially the MWC trial) were just to the accused as far as the difficult circumstances allowed.