
Jim Hoft Pathetically Tries to Excuse CPAC Racists, Commenters Respond by Going Full Metal White Supremacist

Charles Johnson3/16/2013 3:45:36 pm PDT

Now is also trying to “debunk” the Scott Terry story, and exactly the same thing is happening.

What George Lincoln Rockwell spoke about 60+ years ago is coming to fruition, this is America’s future when it becomes “48% black & 47% Hispanic”

George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party.

For over a century, the millstone of white guilt hung around our necks, retribution for slave-owning predecessors. In the 60s, American liberals began yanking that millstone while sticking a fork in the eye of black Americans, exacerbating the racial divide to extort a socialist solution. European Americans made this country the richest and greatest in the world and are the only ones who can save it, if given the chance..


I don’t agree with the white supremacists, BUT you have to see that your supposed to be embarrassed to say your white and proud of your heritage. This has long passed equality, imagine for a second a group called the National Association for the Advancement of White People, and the outrage that would follow it. Yet it’s acceptable for this group if they are colored. I never owned slaves, nor have any of the black people in America been slaves…


White heritage is the sum total of all achievements by Caucasoids the world over throughout history, beginning with Indo-Europeans in 5000 B.C. onward.

Caucasoids are a race and a race is a division of humanity that is regarded as an extended family sharing the same basic traits, as well as the same or nearly the same, DNA which sets them apart from other races who do not. Sub groups are identified as ethnicities.

White heritage in America considers the collective accomplishments of all white ethnicities, their victories, trials and tribulations, since they first populated this country.


The Era of White Guilt is indeed over. Barack Obama showed the country that “his people” are completely racist and bent on revenge. I truly believe this young man was just trying to stick up for himself.

Slavery happened. No one can deny that. Time to move on people. Make a life for yourself. Anyway you can.

If Minorities don’t stop “using” the race card and this history they are going to get the “push back” they deserve.


Lorianne – Many White Cultures were enslaved throughout history – the difference is the “White” races didn’t feel pity for themselves and try to bilk the system for every penny they could. Even here in America look at what races were forced into labor and belittled – The Chinese, The Irish, The Italians and the Japanese were even rounded up and placed in concentration camps during World War II. My own father was forced to go out to the desert and Witness Atomic bomb blasts that exposed him to radiation. Not once did I hear him complain or feel sorry for himself or demand special treatment. Yes , I am proud of my heritage and anyone who takes offense to it can kiss my Rear End ! I feel no guilt whatsoever ! If that’s Racist then so be it – I have no regrets !


I will say this about slavery and I will tell you I’m neither white nor a racist. Let’s turn the clock back and ask this common sense question:
If during the period of slavery, if all the slaves had been gathered and given a choice of either staying in this country as slaves or returning to their home land, which one would they have chosen?
I would argue that the majority would have chosen to stay here as slaves.
Let’s look at this hypothesis as it could be proven as well today.
If we travel to every third word nation in the world and made an open offer to their citizens of a pass to come to America in exchange for 10 years of slavery, I guarantee we could not get enough airplanes, boats, buses to bring all the takers.