
CNN's Dana Loesch Defends Pat Buchanan Against Evil Liberal Censorship

Charles Johnson2/19/2012 11:25:13 am PST

re: #491 kirkspencer

“is quite possible” is… I’m not certain. The claim regarding what’s fake has changed several times.

It does not help their position that Heartland has lied in the past about what they were doing.

If it is fake, I agree it should not be used. At this point, however, I think Heartland must show, not just claim, it to be fake before the use is ended.

I’ve been reading the claims that the Strategy paper is faked, and I am not convinced. They simply have not proven it. Is it possible that it’s a fake? Maybe, but since Heartland has confirmed that the other documents are genuine, it seems very unlikely to me that there would be one fake among them.