
Tuesday Afternoon Open

SixDegrees7/28/2009 3:39:15 pm PDT

re: #466 Gus 802

Well what do you know. I try to avoid referencing HuffPo but I just came across this headline:

Blue Dog Democrats Reach Out To GOP “About Joining Forces To Slow” Health Care

Needless to say there are some exploding heads in the comments section and some references to “DINOs.”

Link to article.

This is a critical step for the GOP to take; they have to realize that they cannot win, and can’t even have any impact, without building coalitions with like-minded Democrats. Obviously, this will come at a cost. But that’s the way the game is played. Offer some assistance in areas near and dear to Blue Dog hearts, and get this disastrous health care bill off the rails - and punch a symbolic hole in the White House aura of invincibility and predestination.

The fantasy scenario would be Waxman making good on his threat to take the bill to the floor and bypassing the E&C Committee where so many of the Blue Dogs are members, and having a large enough bloc of BD Dems decide to switch parties and throw majority back to the GOP.

Not gonna happen. But a more realistic partnering is certainly possible.