
The Bob & Chez Show: Caleefonya

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/08/2016 5:56:29 pm PDT

re: #491 Blind Frog Belly White

Completely impossible where I live. I have to live where I can get a job doing what I do, and the area with the most jobs of that kind just happens to be about the most expensive housing market in the US.

What do you do? My training (aviation electronics repair) was rendered irrelevant by my epilepsy (the FAA will not let me work in my field, nor will any electronics repair shop for fear of a seizure or something). My life’s work was rendered irrelevant.

You do not have to live in the most expensive housing market because your job and training supposedly require that (it is rationalisation on your part). You can choose to do whatever you want.

I have a friend who was offered a job for Web design at Cabela’s main office in Sidney, Nebraska. He lived in Kalispell, Montana and couldn’t afford it any longer.

He turned down the job in Sidney because it didn’t pay enough. (It started at $60,000 per year.) That amount of money would put you in the top 2% of my county.

The real issue is he didn’t understand that living in a tourist trap like Kalispell is not the same as living in another part of the country. He refused the job.

He is now unemployed and begging me for money, scraping by in Chicago and bothering my mother there. I’ve told him to leave her alone and he was an idiot to turn down the job in Sidney. Pesky personal responsibility how does it work?