
Video: ShapeShifter

lostlakehiker1/11/2011 10:34:08 am PST

re: #481 Charles

It’s just weird to me that people think they can divine a person’s political orientation from their reading list.

Give it a shot:

August 1914, Solzhenitsyn
Babi Yar, Anatoly Kuznetsov
Milton Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom
Flooded Earth, Peter David Ward
Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis
Life and Fate, Vassily Grossman
Escape from Leipzig, Harald Fritzsch

essayists: Theodore Dalrymple, Thomas Sowell,

But reading list is not the same thing as “endorsed”. There are good reasons to read books that advance wrong ideas. You just maintain the distinction between reading and believing.