
And Now, The Pamela Geller Blog Generator

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈11/10/2010 6:58:16 am PST

re: #502 WindUpBird

During Laura Bush’s eight years as FLOTUS, I simply don’t remember this level of savage slamming of her for her appearance. I’ve made some jokes about her smile looking really alien and weird, but then again, i said precisely the same thing about Howard Dean, who has perhaps the most unattractive forced smile I’ve ever seen.

(I realize this is just about the most liberalleyliberal thing I’ve said ever)

A lot of people pointed out her robotic appearance.

People all over the political spectrum judge others by their appearance, and I think Laura is a bad example since she’s been good-looking for her age as long as she’s been in the public eye. If she were fat, or had a lazy-eye or something, I’m sure asshats from the left would have slammed her for it. There just wouldn’t have been the racist element than came with the wingnut reaction to our first black president.