
Louisiana Reaps What It Sowed

Salamantis2/14/2009 11:26:04 pm PST

re: #511 alexa kim

I took a few extra minutes to read a few more comments and it seems that mostly this is not about, or it is no longer about, the public policy health or ill of having a governor sign into law a bill presented to him by the state’s legislators that provides or allows an opposing teaching favored by the religious to evolution.

Again, frankly, I do not have any problem holding both evolution and intelligent design at the same time. I do not see them as mutually exclusive (however, I think that’s the part of my original comment that perhaps irked some here).

Intelligent design is a propaganda PR term that was created by the Disco Institute shills to advance their Wedge Strategy agenda by attempting to circumvent judicial prohibitions against teaching the religious dogma of creationism in public high school science class - and it failed, as Judge Jones correctly ruled against it in the Dover decision.

But, folks, the more the scientists argue that science is the only true way, the more it sounds like disagreements will not be tolerated. Um… many religious fanatics tend do that… too.

When cereationist fail to elevate dogmatic religion to the status of empirical science, they always try to reduce empirical science to the level of dogmatic religion. But both ploys always fail, because the essential distinction - the presence vs. the absence of supporting empirical evidence - is ineradicable.

The only trouble with science is that, sometimes, not always, but sometimes, we make a break through, a discovery, even invent a whole new industry out of it, then, we learn we were wrong.

Just sayin’.

We can’t teach the empirical science that someone conjectures just might happen in some undefined future; we have to tach the empirical science that we know today. And for 150 years, evolutionary theory has been supported by ALL the relevant empirical evidence, and contradicted by NONE of it. Some scientific theories come and go; others, like the heliocentric theory of the solar system, the laws of motion/celestial mechanics/theory of universal gravitation, the theory of relativity, the theory of quantum mechanics, and the theory of evolution - come and stay, and for good and ample empirical reasons.