
Charles Darwin's Sacred Cause

Steve Rogers2/01/2009 4:49:36 pm PST

I was asked for a poll. I posted a poll. Some people may try to say polls are inaccurate. Perhaps they are. Perhaps they aren’t.

But let’s face reality here people: The current push to demonize evolution is coming from those within the Republican Party. I agree with those who say true conservatives would do no such thing when it comes to the push to get religion in science class, but whatever type of republican you call them - or they call themselves - the majority of anti-science when it comes to evolution is coming from repbulicans:

Sam Brownback, Mike Huckabee, and Tom Tancredo all raised their hands in a debate saying they did not believe in evolution. Then there is Sarah Palin. She had so much going for her. But she wanted “creationism” in public schools alongside evolution. So even if you discount polls, these are big names when it comes to republicans.

I know McCain said he believed in evolution, but let’s face it, McCain is hardly a republican, much less a conservative!

And yes, I know the Democratic Party has their looney lefties who push their own anti-scientific claptrap on various issues, but this topic is about evolution/creationism. For all the democrats’ faults (And they have MANY), generally, they are not the ones lying about evolution while pushing for pseudoscience in this area. Generally, that is almost always from republicans. And they are losing elections as a result of it.