
Mass Murder in New York

zombie4/03/2009 1:00:24 pm PDT

re: #414 buzzsawmonkey

There are always difficulties writing vers d’occasion, particularly when it’s for a fast-moving thread.

I find that if I can’t get something cranked out by about post #150-175, it either gets buried or it gets posted just about when everybody jumps to the next thread. The challenge is rarely the piece itself so much as getting it done “in time.” Exceptions, of course, for inspirations which just happen to hit farther down on a thread.

Anyway, there’s usually at least one dodgy bit of scansion or slightly questionable rhyme when working under those constraints, but it is the restrictions which create the challenge.

Most definitely. I try to get topical comments in by comment #100, otherwise it’s the law of diminishing returns. My best comment today (content-wise, not humor-wise) was #181 on the previous thread, and as a result of being slow off the mark, it had a much lesser impact.

Timing is everything.