
Italian Composer/Pianist Ludovico Einaudi: Tiny Desk Concert

Nerdy Fish7/15/2022 5:23:32 pm PDT

re: #50 Charles Johnson

Heā€™s been a Washington insider for most of his life. The fact that heā€™s making under-the-table deals with Mitch McConnell as a ā€œfriendship gesture,ā€ despite the last fucking 20 years or so, tells you everything.

He still called them his ā€œRepublican friendsā€ even in his speech about the destruction of Roe v Wade. They ARE his friends. This kind of stuff is why I didnā€™t vote for him in the primary, tbh, because I knew we were in a new reality and that old shit wasnā€™t gonna play any more. And itā€™s becoming a real problem, because people are noticing it more and more.

Iā€™m grateful for Joe Biden, because he is - still, despite all this - better than the alternative. But we could still do better. And incidents like this are exactly why. Tell me an AOC or similar would be trying to do these kinds of backroom deals with snakes like McConnell.