
Video: Daily Show's Mandvi Asks FL Gov. Rick Scott to Pee in a Cup

Lidane12/07/2011 4:06:53 pm PST

re: #47 marjoriemoon

I’m thinking of When Harry Met Sally. Can boys and girls (men/women) be friends with no chance of romance/sex, assuming each is hetero? I don’t think so. I know people will say I’m wrong, but there’s usually always one that is attracted to the other. There will always be sexual tension, if not outright sex.

Most of my friends are men and I don’t have any sexual tension with them. Hell, I spend four days a week in a classroom with 23 other people and 13 of them are guys. I can tell you with absolute certainty I don’t want to sleep with any of them, and they don’t want to sleep with me.

I think it’s entirely possible for men and women to be friends without sex or romance being a factor. I see it daily.