
Video: ShapeShifter

lostlakehiker1/11/2011 10:40:41 am PST

re: #487 Obdicut

It’s not just proven wisdom that there’s no time to reload, it’s that in the average shootout— which is an incredibly, incredibly, incredibly rare incident in the first place— there are very few shots actually fired. The police are the ones who most often engage in firefights; they’ve mostly found that the number of shots fired in a shootout is about six— at or below the capacity of the handgun carried, and there was usually no reload.

There are no cases that I have ever heard of a policeman being killed while reloading. Do you have any such cases?

There was a shootout between two well armed killers and 8 FBI agents. The FBI won the firefight only because a gravely wounded man came off the deck and finished off the remaining active shooter. Hundreds of rounds were fired. The FBI, despite their numerical advantage, were heavily outgunned. Whether they were killed while reloading is beside the point. They weren’t able to get off enough rounds without interruption to put down proper suppressive fire.

Two FBI were KIA, 5 WIA. Both suspects were killed.

There was a movie made about it: “The FBI murders”.