
Overnight Open Thread

nyc redneck6/22/2009 7:15:38 am PDT

re: #452 opnion

Honestly, this MSM all Obama all the time is getting tedious.
Yesterdays Parade Magazine featured BHO in a Fathers Day Special.
60 Minutes also featured him for Fathers Day.
He is not the first President to be a father.

this 24/7 fawning over o is going to backfire. he is getting over exposed.
his mug everywhere is becoming tedious. and all the overblown hype is actually a grave disservice to o.
setting him up as literally a god is so dangerous because the needy narcissist is actually buying into it. he is that immature.
he is becoming so obnoxious he is going to ruin it for himself.
any centered and confident person in his position would not be out seeking applause and validation like a teenage rock star.
how could a grown man beam so proudly after killing a fly?
w/ the same glee of a 2 yr. old wiping its ass for the first time.