
Pastors Celebrate Charles Darwin

swamprat1/30/2009 9:19:24 pm PST

re: #466 Salamantis

You could do a good job if you set your mind to it;

Where are the beneficial virus? They should exist. (I know, they probably do)

Genome/DNA increase; Evidence for, via retro- viruses, but not “proved”. (reduction has been “proved” to my satisfaction)

System degradation (not thermal, because we live in the glare of a nuclear star) All systems degrade; why not the DNA system?(it probably shall, but may be very robust.(don’t start with self-repairing, that can only go so far.)

The suspicious adaptability of evolution(I know some one will run with this ball, but it is flat) Real big? Evolution! Small? Evolution! Tail? Evolution! No tail? Evolution! Pink, green, black, smart, dumb, fast, slow, blind, sharp-sighted, furry, feathered, clawed or hooved, all evolution.

The really sad thing is, whether or not this gets refuted. I believe this will get read and will appear on a creationist thread soon.

Because someone will decide that this is the perfect way to “prove” god.
Proving god. That is the problem. If god does not exist, well and good. If god does exist he does not need to be “proved”. He can do ok on his own. He does “not need our bull”. “Not needing our bull” is alluding to a passage in the bible were god “allegedly” explains that sacrifices are for our benefit, not his. HE does not need a bunch of dead doves, cows, sheep, wheat or any of that junk. He’s got some.