
Analog Obligations Open Thread

JCM4/11/2009 4:53:48 pm PDT

re: #474 albusteve

how?…trying to spring the captain is full of problems now…the pirates are not stupid, I’m sure they are waiting for it…I assume they will kill him in a heartbeat…pay them off

The captain is one hostage, the pirates have a bunch more scattered around.

The pirates as you say aren’t stupid, they won’t give up all the hostages at once. Because they know what would follow.

At some point rescue ops will be required, whether for Capt. Phillips or other hostages.

We can’t let the pirates dictate our response, or the time line. They’ll just keep adding to the hostage total if we wait too long.

The other larger looming issue over all this is the Thugs of World are watching. They are gauging the response.

It will be disastrous to let the pirates drive the sequence of events. There is much, much more at stake than the life of Capt. Phillips and the rest of the hostages.

If this situation is dealt with in a manner perceived as weak by all those eyes watching, down the road it might be Anchorage, or Tel Aviv thats held hostage. A weak response will put far more people in danger than those held by the pirates.