
Video: Science Geeks Partying for Darwin

Charles Johnson2/12/2009 5:53:40 pm PST

re: #519 Racer X

If it weren’t so completely disappointing it would be hilarious.

Spencer enlightened many of us on the magnitude of the true evil of Islamic Jihad - and for that I am thankful. I am disappointed to see the fractures in the anti-Jihad movement.

More than that — Robert Spencer only has a blog because I talked him into doing it. I put in at least $10,000 worth of work on his website without billing him, and defended him on dozens of occasions when he was attacked by leftists or Islamists. I sent him dozens of emails explaining over and over why I wanted nothing to do with Eurofascist groups, and he lied to me and said he agreed — then turned around and started making ridiculous, dishonest excuses for them.

The label “back-biting ingrate scum” doesn’t seem too extreme.