
Noonan: Can We Play 'Grown-Up' Now?

coldwarrior5/29/2009 9:19:07 pm PDT

re: #501 srb1976

Her Royal Stoutness (19 mos old) has decided that she needs to have her diaper off so she can pee like her big brother. She had been taking it off @ night…..messy, so I had asked for advice the other day….the snaps seems to be working for now….I’m thinking potty training for her is not too far off…she already tells us when she’s dirty or wet….

my other daughter is 14yrs. i have some experience.

snaps are good, she is so ready for potty training, take advantage of her abilities

this child rearing advice given from a former usarmy sniper/checkpoint charlie guard and is not meant to (insert some legal crap here)