
Overnight Ocean Thread

Walter L. Newton10/20/2009 9:28:28 am PDT

re: #520 flywheel

Inre: health care. Where are all the extra doctors going to come from to meet the new demand? Answer: They aren’t going to come. Infact there will be a flight from the profession. Get ready for black market medicine.

Not so. At least in HR 3200, there was a whole section devoted to a federal Healthcare Workforce, which in essence was a whole federally run schooling/training/employment program for new health care workers. It’s similar to some existing federal sponsored schooling programs, but it’s kick up to a whole new level.

I have the 1500+ page finance committee bill, which was released yesterday, but have not been able to get to it yet. I don’t know what is going to be different about this version (except 500 more pages).