
Oklahoma Man Arrested for 'Tea Party' Twitter Threats

Charles Johnson4/24/2009 4:43:03 pm PDT

re: #520 Killgore Trout

Yup. Interesting information from the CAIR press release bout the Youth for Western Civilization that sponsored his speech on April 27. American White supremacists are getting into the act now too. Lessons learned from Vlaams Belang.

Yes, I’ve been watching that group for a while myself. I’m not surprised to see Spencer hooking up with them — he’s dropped all his pretenses.

Marcus Epstein:

Epstein is the executive director of Team America PAC, a political action committee founded by Tom Tancredo, and of The American Cause, a foundation created by Pat Buchanan.

He is the founder of the Robert Taft Club, a monthly meeting of paleoconservative journalists and thinkers in the Washington, D.C. area. He is also the National Vice President of the group Youth for Western Civilization, a group which describes itself as “America’s Right Wing Youth Movement.”

Epstein has written for The American Conservative, Human Events, The Washington Examiner, VDARE, Taki’s Magazine, The Independent Review, and, among other publications.