
Overnight Open Thread

itellu3times8/08/2009 7:38:46 am PDT

re: #477 jcm


Illegals 5.2 million
Legal immigrants 5 million
Earning more than $75,000 9 million
Eligible for gov’t programs 9.7 million
Eligible for employer coverage 6 million
Those without affordable options 12 million

4% of the total population doesn’t currently have a health care option.

We want to conduct the largest government take over of the private sector, extend the already out of control budget by even more. Obligate how many more generations to pay for it all.

How about we figure out a way to cover the 4% and not give the gov’t nearly 50% of the GDP in the process, and add to the $65 Trillion in total outstanding obligations.

JCM, I think you understate the concerns Obama has with the system, the preexisting conditions, the denials of service (by crooks like even Blue Cross/Blue Shield), the costs even to people who “can afford” it, the bankruptcies, and on the provider side the doctors and hospitals who don’t get reimbursed for the uninsured, the drug companies who don’t sell Xanax and Lipitor to the uninsured, etc. Those who have major cost or coverage issues with their plans is probably closer to 50%, basically most of the ones with claims, and the more claims, the worse the problems.

Yeah, this is sort of an attempt to dump the unfortunate occurrence of illness onto the political and economic systems, which will never work even if Obama’s unicorn brings him pots of gold every day. But I suppose we can do better than we have right now. I just wish the current bill was a step in that direction.