
New Info from CRU Hacking Investigation

iceweasel2/14/2010 8:34:23 pm PST

re: #511

Yeah, I was just thinking the shipping would be a killer.

So - THAT’S a business idea!
Friend of mine was in the UK recently, she and her hubby were taking some sort of course at Oxford - she blogged about her trip - said she had a craving for peanut butter and COULD NOT FIND ANY. So there’s another item for the list.

You can find peanut butter, but IMO it’s not as good. :)

Really, someone should think about bringing Tex-mex to the UK. it would be a HUGE hit (the cultural palate would LOVE it) and no one does it. The ‘mexican’ restaurants I know around London are atrocious.

And there have to be expats like me who want to cook it, as well as cajun/creole.
Business idea!