
Poll: Should Steele Step Down?

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion3/13/2009 11:07:43 am PDT

re: #209 zombie

I up-dinged you on this because I feel like I’m in the same boat of mixed feelings on the subject and I also believe that there are much more important issues to deal with right now. I also think you hit the far left’s agenda squarely on the head. It seems like a variation of Huxley’s Brave New World is exactly the utopia they are striving for.

I do however, believe that much, if not the vast majority, of the pro-life movement are not simply trying to impose their religious beliefs or views on extra-marital sex on others (there are pro-life atheists and agnostics). They truly believe abortion is murder and everyone having one is committing infanticide, and often for selfish or superficial reasons at that. They are politically pro-life and tend to make a big issue out of it because of this and think they cannot just sit idly by while millions of innocents are killed. This is why there are often holocaust comparisons in the rhetoric.