
Overnight Open Thread

johnnyreb6/01/2009 7:07:21 am PDT

re: #507 Flyers1974

I don’t understand what the liberals have against nuclear power, after all, as someone pointed out a few days ago, the French have no problems with nuclear power. If I had to guess, I’d venture that the “greens” and Ralph Nader types on the liberal side are most against nuclear power, and that there are some who are impulsively against nuclear power because they remember the old arguments from the 1970’s. I wonder how committed the average Democrat is today in being against this, i.e., is it a firm position. At any rate, this is one liberal position that has to go in my opinion.

They oppose it because it is clean and extremely cheap. Can’t be having that for the masses now can we?

Here in CT we have a nice clean nuke plant. But there is one huge problem with it. They are required by state law to sell their electricity at exactly the same price as coal and oil fired electric plants.