
Overnight Open Thread

Tigger20052/19/2010 1:35:58 am PST

I’ve had a little mini-“debate” on AGW with a friend of a friend on her Facebook page. This guy is fond of making snarky comments about AGW whenever a snowflake falls. I got fed up with it and did a longish post explaining that a heavy wet snowfall is caused by the air being warmer, not cooler, and that while this doesn’t in itself “prove” AGW, perhaps he should have a bit more respect for scientists who know a lot more about the subject than he does, because would he laugh off his mechanic when he tries to tell him what’s wrong with his car?

His reply was a joke. First he said, basically, that his mechanic has a vested interest in correctly diagnosing what’s wrong with his car (apparently he’s never heard of dishonest mechanics) while scientists are just making shit up to get grant money. Then, astonishingly, he brought ABORTION into it! He said, “If you want to have so much faith in science then why don’t you accept the evidence that a baby’s heart is beating at 21 days”. Apparently, if you don’t agree with him on everything, you must be his flaming liberal opposite.

He followed up by saying there is NO evidence that humans are causing global warming, and added that he was willing to bet he had more respect for science than me, since he was married to “one of the area’s top science teachers”.

In my response I mentioned that accusing thousands of scientists of engaging in a vast conspiracy to mislead the public in order to keep the grant money flowing doesn’t show much respect for science…