
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

Charles Johnson2/27/2009 9:50:59 am PST

re: #545 Lib Wingnut

Charles, is this a “no atheists allowed” weblog? Was my comment that offensive or threatening that it needed to be deleted? In reading your blog everyday I’ve seen FAR more offensive comments in regards to many, many other subjects. Is it my contempt for religion? Is that the third rail of this blog? If we were in the military, would you call me “godless” and threaten me with bodily harm? Was it my tone? I was just reacting to what I saw on a video you posted. Maybe if I used some obscenities and threats of bodily harm, which seem to be permitted and used freely here, it would have been more acceptable?

It was deleted because it was deliberately inflammatory. There’s no need to insult people of faith. Criticizing is one thing, insulting quite another.