
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel8/14/2009 6:37:06 am PDT

re: #534 Spenser (with an S)

With respect… Can you honestly say that if no ruckus at all had been made, with 60-whatever % saying they wanted reform quickly, this 1000-pg. bill would not have passed? I know you say it was not mandating single-payer, but many smart people here have shown how it would have led to an intolerable and uneven field for private insurers. So really? Never going to happen or not going to happen now that the ruckus has been made.

Single payer was never going to happen.
Even if that bill had passed as written— which, I have always pointed out, was impossible— it would not have led to single payer.

Both sides of the aisle are in thrall to insurance companies, pharmaceutical