
Overnight Ocean Thread

Scottish Dragon10/03/2009 9:27:50 am PDT

re: #267 FrogMarch

There really is no accounting for blind partisan hatred and the love of outlandish conspiracy theories. You see plenty of both on either side. The equivalency ends with the violence angle, however. We haven’t seen a serious left wing terrorist outfit since the Weathermen (some people count ELF, but who takes ELF all that seriously except for HUMVEE sales lots?)

I saw a number of left leaning folks who wished Bush would be impeached etc etc. I saw a LOT of really foul name calling. I never saw much in the way of wishing death on him or Cheney, though. Over the past 30 years, domestic (non Islamist) terrorism has been almost exclusively from the far right. Clinic got blown up? It wasn’t a Lefty, for sure. Abortion provider shot in the head by a sniper through the kitchen window? That didn’t come from the Left either. Oklahoma City?? We all know the answer to that one. McVeigh was no “Liberal” in any sense of the word. (I was one of the many voices calling for investigation and prosecution of Law Enforcement concerning Waco and Ruby Ridge. McVeigh handed the Left an unimpeachable case against anything of the sort with his act of insanity)

The fact is that gun and weapon ownership is almost exclusively an issue of the Right, and our side has stated (time and time and time again…yawn) that we are willing to use violence to protect our right to own guns and property. Sounds pretty harsh in this day and age…but the “cold dead fingers” thing is known to all of us. I have said it myself.

Of course, a number of people extend that reasoning to other issues, and feel that violence is acceptable IF THEY ARE NOT APPEASED in every way.

That is why we see signs threatening use of violence at health care rallies…

Health care rallies with guys carrying AR-15 rifles. Wow. Signs stating that “We came unarmed…this time!”

I never saw anything even remotely like that from the Left. Not in the same ballpark…Hell…not in the same state or country.

I really do think we will see a major act of domestic terrorism or spate of shootings, and the perp(s) will have a copy of a Beck or Hannity book in the house and Fox News and Free Republic (or some such) will have a lot of hits on their computers. (Kinda like the guy who shot up the Unitarian Church in Arkansas)

There will predictable sputtering and shouts of censorship from the usual suspects…and we all will know what really happened. Speech has consequences. People act on it. Bullets and bombs can’t be recalled when they are used, and dead children stay dead.

There is an air of utter insanity in the Republican Party today…and I can’t see it going anywhere I want to follow. I can only watch and remember when I was proud to be a Republican, Reagan was defeating communism and life generally kicked ass all the way around.

Something happened since then…and I can’t just blame the “libruls” for this. We did it to ourselves.