
Palin Not So 'Rogue' After All

Athens Runaway7/11/2009 1:43:53 pm PDT

re: #49 iceweasel

I don’t like Palin, but I have said from the beginning that the McCain campaign grabbed her, threw her in, and used her, and had no intention of using her wisely or well or of thinking beyond what she could do for the dying McCain campaign

Considering that all the talk about her at the outset was “can Palin get the Hillary voters?” and “isn’t this historic?”, yes.

Palin has formidable talents and the GOP as a whole simply didn’t give a shit about her. She was a sacrifice on the altar of old man McCain’s last wheezing lunge for the Presidency. Had they held onto her and nurtured her, she would have excelled.

The GOP leaders didn’t give a shit about her. The rank and file obviously loves her.

It’s no surprise to me that they fed her this line and simultaneously planned to pillory her for taking it. Who is surprised by this? McCain’s entire strategy for her—insofar as he had one— was to use her to make the attacks he didn’t want to voice himself, and maintain plausible deniability for himself at the same time.


It shouldn’t surprise anyone. McCain was picked for us by the elite, because he was oh so moderate, not like the rest of the extremist GOP. And he’s a war hero!