
Charles Krauthammer Joins Everyone Else on the Right

Charles Johnson8/13/2010 11:23:21 pm PDT

re: #549 efuseakay

Charles, I emailed you hoping to get a response, but I never did… I found this post of yours from back in 2008 about Imam Rauf…


Eh… not very comforting, to tell you the truth… It is the same guy involved with Park51, isn’t it? :(

I’m sure I would disagree with Imam Rauf on some things — including whether Britain should accommodate sharia in a limited way.

But after reading a lot more of his work over a period of years, it’s very clear that this is not any kind of radical Islamist.

Have you ever thought about the kind of investigation Imam Rauf would have undergone to be sent overseas by the Bush administration State Department? The idea that he could be a secret radical Moorish agent is ridiculous. They went through his past with a fine toothed comb.