
Obama Suddenly Worried About Freeing Gitmo Terrorists

Honorary Yooper2/02/2009 1:16:44 pm PST

re: #537 eschew_obfuscation

I would agree with all of that except your assertion that the Jeremiah Wright issue was a false flag.

I believe it told us volumes about the character of Obama and about the racist, anti-American thought to which Obama has lent his support as he ‘organized communities’. I have no reason to believe those opinions have changed, especially with the gaffes we heard from Michelle during the campaign.

Sure all of that could be purely Machiavellian ‘use’ of his fellow parishioners for political gain, but how would that be any better?

It was Machiavellian alright, but that is neither anything new and/or different from a Chicago politician.

Obama may have read “Rules for Radicals”, but he got tutored at the feet of those who run the political crime families in the city. I have yet to see one thing that Obama is doing that would seem out of place on the fifth floor of the Chicago city hall. Not one fricking thing.

As I keep saying, if you want an inside glimpse of what the hell is going on with the Obama administration, look no further than Cook County, Illinois, and the people who run it. The Daleys, Strogers, Beavers, Madigans, Mells, and others. You got to see some of it when Blagojevich was arrested, impeached, and then thrown out of the governor’s office. If you think the Obama adminstration is anything other than Cook County politics writ large, then I have some swampland to sell you folks. This administration will run on broken promises, pay for play, and clout.