
The Incredibly Dumb Nontroversy That Stopped Living And Got Even Dumber

Charles Johnson11/28/2009 12:56:12 pm PST

re: #551 docrambo

Turning Global Warming into a religion is intellectually damning-whether you’re conservative or liberal—tree hugger or tree cutter. The argument that “all”, “the majority”, “the preponderance” of scientists believe in Global Warming and its detrimental effects is not correct.

That’s just flat-out false. It is absolutely true that the vast majority of climate scientists are convinced BY EVIDENCE that global warming is occurring and that human beings are responsible for it.

The rest of your comment is the standard litany of ridiculous anti-science falsehoods that get dumped into every climate change thread at LGF, in transparent attempts to increase the noise level and fool the gullible.