
Update on Arizona Anti-Immigrant Murder Case

Lynn B.6/17/2009 8:23:11 pm PDT

re: #512 Flyers1974

Thanks, you can’t play nice with these guys. I’ve given them dried corn on the cob and seeds on the ground, and they just eat that and the birds. I think it has to be the gun, traps or both. They are relentless.

Exactly. If you try to put food out for them you just attract more. Relentless and insatiable.

Well until a new generation that knows not the pellet rifle comes around, we seem to be pretty much squirrel-free. Now we’ve got the starlings and the grackles (not to mention blue jays and doves). A few starlings have now met the pellet rifle but the deterrence factor isn’t working. (The big birds aren’t supposed to be able to land on the feeders. Right.)