
'No Evidence' Rifqa Bary's Parents Want to Kill Her

Sharmuta9/15/2009 11:20:46 pm PDT

re: #542 Sharmuta

I thought I had heard China was recently considering moving to a two child limit due to the sexual disparity. Let me see if I can find a link.

It seems it’s being allowed in certain localities:

According to the new laws approved by provinces and autonomous regions, the right for parents who are both single children to have a second baby is protected.

Since the late 1970s, China has adopted the one-child policy to curb its population explosion. The policy has turned China into a low birth rate country and churned out many young single children.

The policy does not prohibit a husband and wife who are both single children from bearing a second baby. However, this is the first time governments have turned to the law to protect the right.

Unmentioned in the article is exactly why China’s birth rate is low- lack of females. Wouldn’t want the ugly truth about misogynistic policies/attitudes to come to light.