
Family's Autopsy Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at Least Six Times, Twice in the Head, Not at Close Range

BeachDem8/18/2014 9:01:30 am PDT

re: #469 Lidane

Pretty much. The chances of an unarmed white kid getting executed by police like Michael Brown are less than nil. If that ever DID happen, I can guarantee it would’ve been handled much differently than all this shit in Ferguson.

For fuck’s sake, white kids get away with crimes that a minority kid would get the death penalty for. Look at the “affluenza” case and tell me a black or brown kid could have walked. Our justice system is hopelessly skewed in favor of whites, so of course they don’t see the problem when a black kid gets summarily executed by a cop. Why would they? The system works in their favor.

Witness, white guy, brandishing weapon, aggressive—40 minute chat with police, gets weapon back next day, no charges.