
Video: Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter

lawhawk8/22/2010 7:15:25 pm PDT

re: #536 Aceofwhat?

Weiner was right to be pissed that the bill didn’t pass - but he should have been pissed at his own caucus for playing politics just as surely as he was pissed at Rep. King. Heck, King would have voted for the bill had they put it up for a straight vote.

Even with all this, the bill may come up for a vote in September. Again. Hopefully this time they wont need to play games.

Indeed, there should be a tremendous nonpartisan outcry over this issue - to just pass the damned legislation because it’s been far too long and too many have suffered because of the feet-dragging by Congress to provide assistance to those who worked at Ground Zero.

The lack of sufficient outrage over this is itself confounding. Where Congress has the chance to do something right - and has done these workers wrong for years - all we get is crickets.